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亞歷山大 • 維拉

Alejandro Vela

鋼琴 Piano
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“他不只是一位極好的鋼琴家,更是一位敏銳的藝術家” (以色列日報)

“他彈琴時擁有一種任何一位獨奏家必備的既難以捉摸又是最重要的特質:強烈的個人風格” (休斯頓紀事報)

“他是我遇過最有才華且最有趣的音樂家之一, 擁有強烈且極具吸引力的舞台溝通魅力 ,充滿著想像力 、濃郁的情感 、變化多端的音色” (Yoheved Kaplinsk茱莉亞音樂院鋼琴系主任)

"Vela plays with great sentiment, elegance, exceptional technique and a profound musicality." Mundo Clásico


鋼琴家亞歷山大–維拉( Alejandro Vela )自從受指揮家艾森巴哈( Christoph Eschenbach )與芝加哥交響樂團合作的初試啼聲後,即以其高水準的演出享譽國際。

曾在各大城市如阿姆斯特丹、紐約等地數度演出的亞歷山大–維拉,已和許多著名的交響樂團共同演出,包括芝加哥交響樂團、休士頓交響樂團、以色列Ashdod管絃樂團、加拿大Apassionata Ensemble及紐約茱莉亞交響樂團。更曾應邀遠赴荷蘭阿姆斯特丹皇家音樂廳演出,且先後與多位知名的指揮家如林望傑、Eschenbach、Kirk Trevor、 Kenneth Jean、Robert Hart Baker、Dimiter Manolov、Juan Carlos Lomonaco以及Daniel Myssyk等合作演出。

亞歷山大˙維拉自幼由母親啟蒙學習鋼琴,畢業於美國茱莉亞音樂學院。師事Yoheved Kaplinsky, Robert Avalon, Alberto Rafols, Hortensia Vela Monte等音樂家。曾任教於休士頓的跨文化藝術教育機構任教。

Praised for his power to carry an audience away through his ability to create an atmosphere of mystery and sensuous beauty, Alejandro Vela is a pianist of Northern Mexican origin now performing in concert halls around the world. Recent solo recitals have brought him to Finland, Estonia, Italy, France, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Germany, Ukraine, Mexico, Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan.

Alejandro Vela has performed as soloist with most of the Mexican orchestras including the Orquesta Filarmónica de la Ciudad de México, the Orquesta Sinfónica del Estado de México, the Orquesta Sinfónica Carlos Chávez, the Orquesta Filarmónica de Jalisco, the Filarmónica del Estado de Querétaro, the Camerata de Coahuila and with many American ones, including the Chicago Symphony and the Houston Symphony led by Christoph Eschenbach, as well as orchestras in Israel, Canada and the Dominican Republic. He has appeared at Chicago’s Ravinia Festival, El Paso Pro-Musica concert series, Alice Tully Hall in New York, National Arts Center in Mexico and the Royal Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.

Recently, Vela gave acclaimed performances at The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Center, Denki Bunka Kaikan Concert Hall in Nagoya, Estonia’s Mederi Hall, Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Sibelius Museum in Turku, Mihail Jora Concert Hall in Bucharest, Óbudai Társaskör in Budapest, Canadian Opera Company Piano Virtuoso Series in Toronto, Mexico City's En blanco y negro festival, Sala Nezahualcóyotl, Festival de México and the National Concert Hall in Taiwan. Other recent highlights include television appearances for NHK TV Japan, Canal 22 México and live webcasts for Canada's Classical 96.3FM and Radio Romania. Born and raised in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Alejandro Vela received his first piano lessons from his mother Hortensia Vela Mante, and later from Robert Avalon. He earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from The Juilliard School under Yoheved Kaplinsky.

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