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Arturo Costa

大提琴 Cello
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西班牙傑出演奏家Arturo Costa柯源盛,曾於巴黎法國國立馬爾梅森音樂院(Conservatoire National de Région de Rueil-Malmaison)師事Jean-Marie Gamard教授(為法國巴黎國立高等音樂舞蹈學院教授),期間獲得許多獎項與一獎文憑。爾後至倫敦英國皇家音樂院(Royal College of Music of London)深造,師事Melissa Phelps教授,不僅得到特優演奏碩士殊榮,期間更接受Johannes Goritzki、Julian Lloyd Webber、與Natalia Gutmann等多位大師指導,亦曾接受校長邀請與英國皇家音樂院巴洛克管弦樂團(RCM Baroque Orchestra)合作為威爾斯親王-查爾斯王子演出。

求學時期在樂團演出總是展現高度的興趣,Arturo Costa柯源盛積極參加許多青年樂團並皆獲得大提琴首席位置,其中又以西班牙國家青年管弦樂團(JONDE)、安達魯西亞青年管弦樂團(OJA)、瓦倫西亞青年管弦樂團(JORVAL)、以及世界青年管弦樂團(Jeunesses Musicales World Orchestra,聯合國教科文組織和平藝術大使)等,在歐洲皆佔有重要位子,也於歐洲與北美各地巡迴演出。

21歲時以西班牙全國最年輕之姿受聘於哥多華交響樂團(Córdoba Symphony Orchestra)擔任大提琴首席,成為當時國內最年輕的職業演奏家,此外也參與頂尖管弦樂團與歐洲藝文團體機構的演出,例如西班牙國家交響樂團、巴黎國際城市管弦樂團、馬德里愛樂管弦樂團、英國皇家芭蕾管弦樂團、俄羅斯芭蕾國家交響樂團、英國BBC交響樂團、以及英國皇家音樂院交響樂團等。此外亦曾於世界知名場館與音樂節當中演出,有維也納金色大廳、倫敦皇家亞伯特廳BBC逍遙音樂節、巴黎夏特雷劇院、倫敦南岸中心、盧塞納音樂節、布拉格音樂廳、法蘭克福音樂節等;此外,曾在知名指揮家如馬捷爾、阿胥肯納吉、海汀克指揮下演出。


Arturo Costa柯源盛的演出曲目非常廣泛,從海頓、韋瓦第、包凱里尼、聖桑的獨奏大提琴協奏曲,以及當代作曲家聖地亞哥˙貝茲、約翰˙卡邁克爾、馬科斯˙費爾南德斯、與台灣音樂家謝世嫻的作品,其中部分已經錄製CD專輯銷售,並在世界各地的Spotify、iTunes、Amazon等數位音樂平台可下載收聽。


Arturo Costa is an accomplished Spanish cellist former student in Paris with Jean-Marie Gamard (professor at CNSMD) at Conservatoire National Rueil-Malmaison where he received several prizes and student in London with Melissa Phelps at the Royal College of Music, where he was awarded a Masters in Performance with Distinction, received cello masterclasses by Johannes Goritzki, Julian Lloyd Webber, Natalia Gutmann, and played under invitation for his President the Prince of Wales with the RCM Baroque Orchestra.

Always had show a very hight level of interest as orchestra player, been member of numerous young orchestras where he got 1st positions, Spanish Nacional Youth Orchestra (JONDE), Andalusian Youth Orchestra (OJA), Youth Orchestra of Valencia (JORVAL) and the Jeunesses Musicales World Orchestra (UNESCO Peace Artist), having concert tours around Europe and North America. At the age of 21 he was appointed Principal Cello of the Cordoba Symphony Orchestra, becoming one of the most youngest professional players in his country. Since then he has worked with leading orchestras and institutions of Europe such as the National Orchestra of Spain, Orchestre du la Cite International du Paris, Madrid Philharmonia, Royal Ballet of London, Russian National Ballet and BBC Symphony as part of the RCM Orchestral Scheme. Performed in famous venues and festivals; Vienna Musikverein, BBC Proms, Theatre Chatelet du Paris, Southbank Center of London, Lucena Festival Presjoven, Prague Koncertzhouse, Frankfort Festspiele Arolser, etc. under renames conductors as Lorin Maazel, Vladimir Ashkenazy or Bernard Haitink.

Graduated in 2006 as Cello Teacher at the Cordoba Superior Conservatory and Pedagogy Certificated in 2008 at the Cordoba University, since then has worked offering lessons and masterclasses in different schools and serving on the jury in international music competitions.

Arturo's Repertoire its very extended having perform as soloist cello concertos by Haydn, Vivaldi, Boccherini, Saint Saens and premiere works dedicated to by contemporary composers as Santiago Baez (Perludio, Tiento and Finale), John Carmichael (Homenage a Falla), Marcos Fernandez (Reflexions) or Sherry Shieh (Continuo, Ostinato, Reborn, The light), some works records on CD and sold on digital music platforms as Spotify, iTunes, Amazon around the world.

Actually resides in Taipei, where he combines pedagogy and perform as chamber music player, offering solo concertos, recitals and playing regularly with orchestras around Asia: Hong Kong, Japan, Macao Orchestra, Taipei Symphony (TSO), Orchestra for Myanmar, Evergreen Symphony (EVA), Nanjing Orchestra or Taipei Philharmonic.

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