自幼即展露優異的音樂才華,六歲啟蒙於劉美娟老師,也曾師事張素惠老師。之後於國立臺灣藝術大學畢業師事盧佳慧教授。大學就學期間主修鋼琴之於對學習理論作曲亦有極高熱情,在學期間創作了聲樂曲、鋼琴奏鳴曲、變奏曲及鋼琴三重奏等作品,師事宋婉華教授。畢業後曾就讀國立台南藝術大學,師事鍾曉青教授。日前就讀瑞士蘇黎世藝術大學(Zurich University of the Arts,ZHDK) ,跟隨Eckart Heiligers教授學習。
學琴期間亦積極參與音樂節大師班、音樂會演出、鋼琴伴奏協奏及室內樂。 曾多次獲得國內大小鋼琴比賽首獎,其中包括新北市學生音樂比賽第一名,大專全國室內樂比賽第一名,更於第13屆中華少年青少年蕭邦鋼琴大賽晉級決賽。近期的演出於2017年,於國家演奏廳舉辦鋼琴獨奏會,並且將收入全數捐給多處慈善機構;2018年,於誠品表演廳舉辦《衝突與和諧》鋼琴獨奏會,2019年,與台北大航海家扶輪社和天潤茶行聯合舉行結合茶與音樂的音樂會,亦佳評如潮。
Pianist/ Tsai Tz An
Tsai Tz An was born in Taipei, Taiwan. He has shown extraordinary talents in music ever since he was little. At the age of six, his teacher Mei-Juan Liu inspired him. Finding his true passion in music, he started in-depth studies with Ms. Su-Hui Chang. Under the guidance of professor Jia- Hui Lu, he graduated from National Taiwan University of Arts with a degree in theoretical composition. During college, Wan-Hua Song is the teacher who greatly influenced his composition and brought his creation to a new level.After collage he studied at Tainan National University of the Arts with Prof.Grace Chung. Currently, he study with Prof.Eckart Heiligers in the ‘Hochschule fur Musik und Theater’ in Zurich.
While in school, he never ceased to improve and won multiple piano championships in the nation. To name a few, he got the first place in the National Student Music Competition, hosted by New Taipei City. He also got the first place as a trio pianist in the National Student Music Completion. He was the second place winner in the Classical Music Competition of Japan, and was in the finals for the 13th Taipei Youth Chopin Piano Competition. Furthermore, he actively participates in the Master class ,concert,collaborate and chamber music.He has given concerts in Taipei Recital Hall in 2017 , Eslite Concert Hall in 2018 and got invite by Rotary Club of Taipei Voyagers the “tea and art” concert in 2019.