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Yung-Jen Chen

鋼琴 Piano
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鋼琴家陳永禎曾在英格蘭、威爾斯、義大利、日本、台灣、以及美國等國家舉辦獨奏會,並得過無數全國性和國際性的獎項,包含了在義大利舉行的Florestano Rossomandi國際鋼琴比賽,得到了第三名的佳績。曾於英國Symphony Hall及Steinway Hall等極具聲譽的音樂廳舉辦個人獨奏會,以及紐約卡內基威爾廳 (Carnegie Weill Recital Hall) 室內樂音樂會中演出。他曾多次擔任國際音樂節及比賽的鋼琴合作藝術家,包括北卡羅萊納州東岸藝術節(Eastern Music Festival)及俄亥俄長笛音樂節(COFA),與國際知名音樂家共同演出。

於國立台北藝術大學完成學士學位,主要師事陳泰成教授,取得獎學金赴英國伯明罕音樂院取得演奏家文憑及碩士學位,之後以助教身分進入美國俄亥俄州立大學攻讀音樂博士,並在Caroline Hong教授的指導下取得博士學位。曾於俄亥俄州奧特班大學 (Otterbein College) 擔任教職,目前為台中教育大學鋼琴助理教授及私立淡江中學等多所學校擔任教師,同時也是歐普思音樂藝術 (Opus Music Arts) 專屬音樂家。近幾年致力於研究及演出北歐曲目,並於台灣及日本東京舉辦北歐系列獨奏會。已出版之演奏專輯包括【北歐物語】及【傾聽66.5】,由貝特/華納出版發行。

Yung-jen Chen has performed as a soloist in England, Wales, Italy, Japan, Taiwan, and the United States. As a winner of numerous competitions including the third prize of the Florestano Rossomandi International Piano Competition, he has been internationally acclaimed and invited to give solo recitals in renowned concert halls, including Symphony Hall, and London Steinway hall. He has also performed as a collaborative pianist with many other prestigious musicians and has been a faculty pianist in Eastern Music Festival, Central Ohio Flute Association, and many other workshops.

Yung-jen received his Bachelor degree from Taipei National University of the Arts, studied with Dr. Tai-cheng Chen, and then obtained Performance Diploma from Birmingham Conservatoire, England under Professor Malcolm Wilson. In 2007 he completed Doctor of Musical Arts at the Ohio State University, where he studied with Dr. Caroline Hong. He was a faculty member at Otterbein College before he moved back to Taiwan in 2010, and now he teaches at National Taichung University as assistant Professor. He is currently an Opus Music artist. Following his successful tour in Taiwan performing music by Nordic composers, Yung-jen Chen's first album "Tales from Northland" was released in December 2010, by Better/Warner Records.

ピアニスト 陳永禎




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